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Learning and Teaching Adviser


  • EYFS support, training and leadership

  • Transitions into YR and Y1

  • EYFS Profile Moderation and assessment

Al specialises in Early Years.  As an experienced teacher, adviser, trainer and moderator, Al has a wide range of skills and expertise to support  practitioners,  teachers and schools in developing their EYFS provision and outcomes.  Al led the LA Profile Moderation Team for 9 years and is an accredited moderator.   


In addition to her current work with PLTA, Al also works part time at a local Primary School, where she is the EYFS, Y1 and Phonics Lead.  Al is also a governor at a city centre primary school.


With an established, high quality reputation and successful track record, Al offers bespoke, practical and realistic support and training to meet the needs of your staff.



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